Online Survey

Online Surveys

Combine data from surveys with social listening data to deepen the research and provide a full perspective on users from online to offline.

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Combining & Comparing Insight and Digital Insight

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A solution that helps gather customer opinions from online surveys, helps improve the findings that have been covered by Social Listening data.

Online Research will help brands have a full perspective on consumers  by comparing how they “discuss” & how they “respond” to.


BrandLift Survey

Survey of the impact on brand health after the campaign

Brand promotion is an important metric when implementing a marketing campaign. BrandLIFT Survey combined with campaign analysis report will fully evaluate campaign indicators such as: awareness, brand/message recall...

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Usage & Attitude

Intensive Behavior & Attitude Analysis

Add questions that are often not fully answered from U&A social listening such as: usage behavior, frequency, level of payment, BUMO, factors that determine the choice... Facilitate the combination of insight and digital insight.

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Idea/concept assessment

Evaluate ideas/concept

Testing whether suggested ideas from the Social Listening study would be suitable for reaching users.

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Risk assessment

Risk assessment

Re-examine the extent of the impact of the social media crisis on the actual behavior of users.

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Accompanying 300+ customers in various industries

Customer success is the most powerful motivator for us to grow every day

Diverse Research Solutions

Consult the full suite of solutions from A-Z to find the best solution for your needs
Brand Insight
Brand health analysis

It is a solution that helps to monitor, measure and analyze the health of the brand, contributing to the construction of the brand image on social networks.

Campaign Insight
Campaign analysis

It is a solution that helps track, measure and analyze social media campaigns so that brands achieve the highest connection efficiency with users.

Crisis Management
Monitoring and handling media crises

As a solution for continuous collection, analysis and processing of negative information sources for brands to proactively control and manage risk

Analysis of special occasions

It is a solution to help brands understand & connect with target customers on special occasions (New Year, Women's Day, Mid-Autumn...) or product selection context.

Consumer Insight
Consumer analysis

Understand users on social media (digital insight) through in-depth analysis of their concerns and discussion behaviors (digital behavior).

Online Surveys

It is a solution that helps to collect customer opinions from online surveys, helps to proactively ask and delve into the issues that have been covered by Social Listening data.

Trend analysis

It is a solution that helps to detect, analyze & predict the movement of trends through continuous monitoring of related hot topics.

COPD Analysis
Analyze influencers

Is a solution that helps brands identify influencer files that are suitable for media target groups & target audience groups.

E-commerce Market Insight
Ecommerce Floor Analysis

It is a solution that helps to monitor, measure and analyze the situation of sales and competition on electromagnetic trading platforms, helping brands find the key to success on the retail floor battle.

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