Advertising & Communication


Understand, understand enough & deeply understand consumers to plan data-driven communications

Marketing in the digital age is becoming more and more complex as customers are increasingly demanding and the introduction of many new methods that can help achieve the customer's business goals.

The challenge for the marketer is how to understand the “consumer — of — the customer” to come up with the right solutions — leveraging the creativity of people and the power of technology and data. What's more, you have to measure the effectiveness of the solution and prove it to your customers.

All this is certainly not simple at all!

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Industry-specific solutions

Creating Successful Campaigns
Commodity research

There are general understandings of the goods industry

Development and measurement of KPIs

Identify the Right KPIs to Fully & Accurately Measure Marketing Efforts
Track & measure campaign effectiveness for timely response and effective optimization of communication activities

24/7 Crisis Tracking & Alerts

Prevent crises by monitoring and early warning of potential crises during the campaign

Campaign evaluation with BSI indicator

Calculate BSI metrics & compare with top 10 campaigns to determine their real effectiveness & improvement points compared to all other campaigns on social networks

Provide personalised experiences
Deepening consumer insights

Understand consumers, thereby discovering new insights and innovative approaches

Update hot topics on social networks

Discover the hottest discussion topics that brands can leverage to reach consumers

Predicting industry trends

Identify and anticipate upcoming consumer and industry trends; help create great advantages by catching trends in time or becoming trendsetters

Case study

Learn more about Buzzmetrics solutions through a case study

What is Social Listening and How Does It Play a Role in Social Media Marketing?

Social Listening is a form of market research based on social media discussions, helping to analyze brand health, campaigns, special events, and more...

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Occasion-based marketing - Discover the golden moments for brands to take advantage of

Occasion-based marketing is a strategy to help brands connect customers to special occasions or product selection contexts.

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Accompanying 300+ customers in various industries

Customer success is the most powerful motivator for us to grow every day

Solution Packages by Industry

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